The world has been full of many deceptions since almost the beginning of time, but we are living in an age when some truly colossal deceptions are being perpetrated on mankind. Examples include evolution, Critical Race Theory, homosexuality being an "in-born trait", cross-dressers "being born in the wrong body", climate change (well, this one has some grains of truth mixed with a lot of exaggeration and outright lies to create mass hysteria) and on it goes. These lies have been spun by cunning and crafty men (and women) who know exactly how to use good words and fair speeches to deceive the hearts of the simple (i.e. people who lack discernment - see Romans 16:18). They have been pushed through books, TV shows, movies, songs, political campaigns and the like. They are accepted by "the majority", who pride themselves on their "intelligence" and "rationality" in "trusting the science". "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" (Romans 1:22). Those who do not follow the multitude (Exodus 23:2) in swallowing these wicked lies are branded "crazy", "irrational", "bigots", "haters" and quite simply Unfit for Polite Society. Forget about truth, just go along with what everybody else thinks to keep the peace. Rather like Sledge Hammer in the old 1980s TV show, the peddlers of these hoaxes say, "Trust us, we know what we're doing". And in a way, they do. They know how to manipulate you into believing whatever narrative they want you to believe at any given time.
What the aforementioned deceptions all have in common, however, is that they constitute an attack on the Word of God. The theory of evolution is an attack on the Genesis account of God creating the world in six days. In fact, it is an attack on the concept of creation, full stop. It all started with a Big Bang, by some fluke accident, no rhyme or reason to it, so we're supposed to think. Just happened by magic, basically. Critical Race Theory seeks to sow hatred and division between people of different skin colours by artificially making some "oppressors" and others "oppressed", whereas the Bible tells us to love our neighbour (see for instance Galatians 5:14), show no partiality (e.g. Deuteronomy 16:19) and also says that we are of one blood (Acts 17:26). The myth of homosexuals being "born that way" is flagrant defiance of the Bible's express prohibition against and condemnation of a practice that it calls an abomination. It is teaching a lie that homosexuals can't help their behaviour, but the Bible is clear that ALL sin is a choice. There is no Biblical prohibition however against those things that really ARE in-born traits (like eye colour, hair colour, skin colour and so on). We cannot choose those things, but we can choose our sexual partners (except in cases of rape, obviously, but God does not hold people accountable when they are forced against their will - see Deuteronomy 22:25-27). This applies to heterosexual relations as well. People are not born as fornicators or adulterers - they choose to commit those sins. The whole transgender movement is an attack on not only God's prohibition against cross-dressing (Deuteronomy 22:5) but the fact (stated in Genesis and affirmed by Christ in the New Testament) that God has made us male and female. Those are the only two biological genders. There are no others. If you were born a male, it's because God meant for you to be a male. If you were born a female, it's because God wanted you to be a female. You were born that way, you see. (It's funny in a way how people use the "born that way" argument to justify homosexual sin, but when it comes to changing their gender, suddenly "born that way" no longer applies!) Finally, lies about climate change also attack the Bible, such as God's promise that there will always be summer and winter for as long as the earth exists (Genesis 8:22) and His promise never to flood the earth again (Genesis 9:11-15). Every time you see a rainbow, that is God's reminder of this promise. So all those stories about the sea levels rising and flooding the world are so much bunk. Moreover the Bible clearly states in a number of places that God is in control of the climate. So man's attempts to "fight climate change" are really just another way of fighting God. (That said, I have no issue with reasonable efforts to reduce air and water pollution - not for their supposed effects on the climate, but simply because of their impact on human health. Such pollution is moreover man-made, so this is something we can and should try to deal with.)
These are just some of the immense deceptions that we live with on a daily basis. (Of course, there is some truth around in the world as well, but the amount of deception nowadays is truly mindblowing.) Well, now it appears as though another great deception might be around the corner. There is a good chance, in fact, that it will be unleashed within the next few months. It is a deception for which science fiction novels and movies have been conditioning us for decades (in fact, more than a century now). You can probably guess where I'm going with this. Aliens. UFOs. The Little Green Men are coming in their flying saucers. Aha, aha, yep-yep-yep-yep-yep (yes, I was imitating the Martian characters on Sesame Street). The conditioning for this deception starts with young children, who see funny and cute characters like the Sesame Street Martians and the cartoon character Marvin the Martian, and progresses to the science fiction and fantasy books, TV shows and films enjoyed by many teenagers and adults. (Science fiction has never been my cup of tea, but I have seen the odd TV show in the genre and can remember watching ALF quite regularly back in the day. ALF stood for Alien Life Form.) People are being conditioned to believe that there is life on other planets - or at least be open to the idea.
Until now however, the concept of aliens in flying saucers coming to either invade Earth for a hostile takeover or pay us a friendly visit has been seen by most as the domain of science FICTION. They regard it as merely the stuff of entertainment and don't take it seriously. At this point in time, most scientists and academics (the same people, ironically, who promote the evolution lie) scoff at such ideas. Of course, there are also a number of "true believers". They sincerely believe that there are indeed extraterrestrial beings out there. In fact, some believe that They Are Already Among Us, hiding in plain sight. A common denominator with many such people is that they are involved in the occult on some level or other. That is quite significant, for reasons I'll explain shortly.
On 1 June (or possibly earlier), the Pentagon is set to declassify a number of its real-life "X-files" relating to reports about UFO encounters experienced by the US military. A task force will present a report to the US Congress during the month of June. In just this past week, as reported across many media outlets, the Pentagon confirmed that a video purporting to show UFOs shaped like pyramids or triangles buzzing a US Navy exercise was legitimate, as were Navy photos showing other objects shaped like a blimp, acorn and sphere. Now it is important to note that they said the video was legitimate (and ditto the photos). They did NOT say that the UFOs were real alien spacecraft. All they said was that the video was real and not something that somebody had just decided to make up for a laugh. Incidentally, another name for UFOs nowadays is UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena).
Apart from these startling revelations by the Pentagon, NASA has currently got a space probe on Mars and has been busy flying a miniature helicopter around on the Red Planet. (This was quite historic, being the first controlled flight undertaken on a different planet, apparently.) Naturally, they are keen to find signs of life while they are there, but so far (surprise, surprise) they have been unsuccessful in this quest. But who is to say that they won't spot something that looks ever so vaguely lifelike (e.g. a rock shaped like a hand) and declare that this is Definitive Proof for the existence of Martians? Aha, aha, yep-yep-yep-yep-yep. (I have this silly image in my mind now of the Sesame Street Martians looking at the NASA helicopter and exclaiming to each other, "Ooh, UFO! Yep-yep-yep!")
So one way or another, this just might be the year when we are told that there is evidence of alien life forms visiting us. Only it will be a deception, and here's why. Remember that the primary motivation for the world's greatest deceptions is to cast doubt on, or largely destroy the credibility of the Bible. If there were supposed "proof" that creatures from other planets were visiting us, it would cast doubt on the Bible, which declares that Earth is the only planet on which life exists. It makes no mention of any other civilisations on other planets. However, the Bible nonetheless makes it clear that we are not alone in the universe. Because apart from us human beings and other creatures that dwell on the earth, there is a whole spirit world that our natural senses cannot detect. This world is inhabited by God, His angels, and Satan and his fallen angels (also known as devils). And the Bible records a good number of encounters, in both the Old and New Testaments, between human beings and angels of God. Sometimes these angels were obviously supernatural, while at other times they took the form of men (like the two angels who visited Lot when he still lived in Sodom). They were still supernatural, but were able to assume human form. Another thing we learn is that there are supernatural vehicles, such as the chariot of fire that took Elijah to heaven in 2 Kings 2:11. Meanwhile, Ezekiel 10 describes a fascinating encounter that the prophet Ezekiel has with cherubim (a type of angel), and they seem to have "wheels" that they use to move about in. "And when the cherubims went, the wheels went by them: and when the
cherubims lifted up their wings to mount up from the earth, the same
wheels also turned not from beside them. When they stood, these stood; and when they were lifted up, these lifted up themselves also: for the spirit of the living creature was in them." (Ezekiel 10:16-17)
Now, God and His angels are at war with Satan and his devils, who have rebelled against God because Satan wants to take His place (see Isaiah 14:12-15). The war has been raging ever since the creation of Adam and Eve. What is at stake in this war is the souls of every man and woman. Whether we realise it or not, we humans are involved in this war too. Those who are born again are on God's side, while those who are not saved are in Satan's camp (unwittingly in most cases). The way God's people fight the war is through things like Bible study, prayer, preaching the Gospel and earnestly contending for the faith (Jude 3) to help people distinguish truth from deception. Truth is of the utmost importance in this fight. Satan, on the other hand, uses deception as one of his primary tools (see John 8:44). He wants to take as many people with him as possible to the eternal torments of the Lake of Fire that have been reserved for him and his angels. But to achieve that, he has to trick them in every which way he can. If people can be fooled into thinking that God either isn't real or isn't what the Bible says He is, and thus into thinking they are not in any danger of judgment for their sins, then Satan has them right where he wants them.
A lot of the time, Satan uses human agents to spread his deception. Hence all the barefaced lies we read and hear on a daily basis. However, he is also quite well able to use supernatural means to fool people. And this is where so-called UFOs come in. The Bible makes it clear that one way in which Satan operates is to use signs and lying wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9). He can create supernatural wonders and even do miracles, as can the fallen angels who serve him (see Revelation 16:14). Many of his human servants use these false signs and wonders with supernatural assistance. "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Matthew 24:24, and see also Mark 13:22). Any Pentecostal readers who love signs and wonders should give careful consideration to these verses. Satan and his devils are able to imitate a number of God's supernatural actions. Read the seventh and eighth chapters of Exodus to see how the Egyptian magicians used "enchantments" (witchcraft, and in particular spells) to imitate some of the plagues that God brought upon Egypt when the Pharaoh was refusing to let the Israelites go. Moses and Aaron did not use enchantments, but simply obeyed the commands God gave them. (That's a really important difference.) But these chapters show the reality of not only God's power, but Satan's. God has far, far greater power than Satan (infinitely greater, in fact), but the latter's power is still formidable and not to be underestimated (indeed, it is far too strong for us frail humans, which is why so many people are so easily deceived, but also why Christians can do nothing without God helping us).
Given that the forces of darkness (Satan and his devils) have all this supernatural power, and given that they can use counterfeit signs and wonders to deceive people, then it would not really be all that difficult for them to create sights in the sky that might look like UFOs. And just as the angels of God can appear to people, devils can do likewise. They could assume a form that appears like an "alien". The verse in Revelation that I referenced in the previous paragraph describes evil spirits that look like frogs. (Actually, that's in the verse immediately prior to it, i.e. Revelation 16:13.) Some pictures of "aliens" I have seen (which people drew or described after "encounters" with them) look a bit frog-like, especially with their big bug-eyes and the general shape of their face. It is also worth noting that Satan is a cherub, as revealed in the book of Ezekiel: "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee." (Ezekiel 28:14-15) Now, if Satan is a cherub, it is more than likely that some of the devils who have rebelled with him are cherubs too. Which means they likely still have those "wheels" to move about in. Significantly, a great many UFO sightings, especially over the last 70-80 years, have been of disc-shaped objects. And discs are round, just like wheels.
In short, when people see UFOs, or even have an "alien encounter", what they are really seeing is a demonic illusion. In other words, they are not encountering aliens from outer space. They are seeing lying signs and wonders and communing with devils. A great many people who have had UFO encounters, and especially ones who have had direct experiences with "aliens", have a prior history of involvement in the occult. Getting involved in things like witchcraft, or divination, or necromancy etc. can open you up to all sorts of creepy supernatural encounters, which is one reason why God tells us in no uncertain terms to stay away from such things.
Could these demonic apparitions appear on video? Well, why not? After all, the Bible calls Satan the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2), among other things. So devils could, if they so chose, make their apparitions manifest on screen. Incidentally, some useful thoughts about UFO encounters can be found in this short article on The Berean Call Web site. (There are several other articles about the subject on there as well.) And if they are getting ready to launch a major deception offensive, then we could expect the number of videos featuring so-called UFOs to increase. Or, as we are about to see, existing videos and photos are set to be declassified.
So what would be the purpose of persuading the world that UFOs are real? Well as I said above, to lure people away from the Word of God. Make people doubt the Bible or disbelieve it outright. Another purpose might be to tie in with existing evolutionary theory. After all, according to the logic of evolution, if life only started here by pure chance, it could also start by chance somewhere else in the universe. And perhaps our "extraterrestrial friends" might want to help us become more "evolved" like them? Perhaps even achieve the ultimate dream of mankind: to become as gods? Just like the serpent said the Eve in the Garden of Eden: "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall
be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:4-5) It was a lie, but a very enticing one, and this same enticing lie is still seducing people today. Sometimes this lie is told in some form by so-called "aliens" that people encounter. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall
depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of
devils" (1 Timothy 4:1) Such seducing spirits are already around, but they could also take the form of "aliens" if they so chose. Whatever "advice" they give mankind will be the "doctrines of devils", quite simply because they ARE devils.
In conclusion, you may rest assured that there are no alien life forms on other planets. We don't have to worry about Little Green Men as such. However, there are evil spirits that are very real, and they can produce supernatural manifestations that could look like UFOs or "aliens". So UFOs or UAPs are not real in the sense of being alien spacecraft. But as demonic apparitions, they ARE real in that sense. And if, as I suspect, we are about to be presented with "hard evidence" for the existence of UFOs, you can expect that the spiritual war that is ever raging, and which already seems to have gone up several notches since the 2020s began, will increase to a white-hot intensity as the level of satanic deception increases even more. This is why we who are born again must stay firmly grounded in the Word of God and resist the lies we will be told about this just as we now resist the lies already abounding in this present world. The truth is not "out there". It is IN there - i.e. in the Holy Bible.
UPDATE (15/5/21): Another US Navy video of a UFO has been declared authentic by the Pentagon. As with the videos I mentioned in the original post, the video has been declared authentic. That doesn't mean the UFO is authentic. As is so often the case with these videos, it is very grainy. Some kind of dark round object is clearly visible. It is moving in a rather unusual fashion - definitely not obeying the laws of natural physics. (But then, a supernatural object, which this could be, would obey completely different laws of motion.) After doing some "manoeuvres", it disappears into the ocean.
Now, this might be a demonic apparition, or it might be some kind of strange aberration that could somehow be explained by natural means. It is certainly not an alien spaceship. Whatever the thing is, this kind of footage is part of a growing collection of "declassified" UFO videos that are probably leading up to something much bigger - the kind of major deception I speculated on in the original post.
Normally, the conservative media are a bastion of common sense and defenders of truth that is being increasingly rejected by those on the left, but when it comes to UFOs, the conservative media actually seem to be leading the charge insofar as reporting UFO-related developments this year is concerned (although the mainstream media are also keenly interested). It is important to remember that most people who work in the conservative media are just as lost as their liberal counterparts. Some may profess to be Christians, but they're often false converts. So from a spiritual standpoint, they are actually on the same team as the liberal left-wing media, and we may well see the conservative media uniting with the liberal media in the great UFO deception that I suspect could be on its way as early as next month (when the Pentagon declassifies many more of its "X-files"). Ultimately, our trust needs to be in God, and not Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, Alan Jones, Rowan Dean and others of a similar persuasion (even if they can sometimes say some very helpful things and be a breath of fresh air after the utter insanity that passes for mainstream news and opinions nowadays). The Word of God is the perfect antidote to all the world's lies, including lies about flying saucers and aliens.
UPDATE 2 (19/5/21): As June gets closer, media reporting about UFOs is ramping up. For instance, here is a report by 60 Minutes (the US version, made by CBS) about US Navy pilots who have had "close encounters". Click here to watch bonus footage from the original report. Obviously, I don't endorse either of these videos; I'm just showing you a recent example of how the mainstream media is starting to push the UFO narrative that much more aggressively. Watch at your discretion. To be fair to CBS though, this report is not outright suggesting that we are being visited by aliens from outer space. That would be a bit much right now. People are not yet ready to receive that. It is simply stressing the fact that members of the US military have encountered objects that do not behave the way normal aircraft do. The people interviewed are not really promoting any alien theories themselves. In fact, they suggest a number of different possible explanations, some of which are natural or even mundane. Still, a report like this helps to plant a few seeds in people's minds. It is rare for a deception to be promoted openly - at least, to begin with. Such things tend to come in by subtlety and stealth. They creep in unawares. Once enough seeds have been planted in enough people's minds, then they can be "watered" and start to blossom into full-blown false doctrines. It is Satan's counterfeit of the way people receive the Gospel - one preacher plants the seed (preaches the Gospel message). Another one waters the seed that has taken root in the heart and then, if the seed has fallen on "good ground", it bears fruit. (see for instance Matthew 13:8 and 1 Corinthians 3:6).
Before people can accept a lie however, they firstly have to be conditioned to it. That is what happened, for instance, with the myth that homosexuals are "born that way". It was a gradual process that was carried out over the course of 40-50 years. When it comes to so-called UFOs, people's minds have already been conditioned by the science fiction genre, but even so, they're not quite ready to accept the lie that aliens are here. That is still regarded as the stuff of fantasy (and rightly so). Even next month's big report to Congress may not actually push that idea too much further. But it will likely go into a lot more detail about other "close encounters" and thereby plant more seeds in people's minds and hearts. Speaking of planting seeds, former US President Barack Obama has weighed in on the UFO subject on The Late Late Show with James Corden. Obama, who was President of the United States from 2009-2017, stated, "What is true, and I'm actually being serious here, is that there is
footage and records of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly
what they are [...] We can't explain how they move, their trajectory[.] They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so I think that
people still take seriously, trying to investigate and figure out what
that is." So like the 60 Minutes report, Obama's comments are concentrating on the mystery objects and not on who or what might be controlling them. But by the time you have a former President entering into serious discussion about UFOs, it is obvious that, as Sherlock Holmes was fond of exclaiming, "The game's afoot!". The media are clearly trying to make the general populace take UFOs seriously.
Far from challenging this report by one of the mainstream, left-wing American TV networks, the conservative media are marching in lock-step with them on this matter. For example, here is an item by prominent FOX News commentator Tucker Carlson. As mentioned in the item, Carlson has been talking about UFOs for several years now, and has perhaps been one of the leading voices in the conservative media to promote this narrative. To be fair to Mr Carlson however, he is not suggesting that aliens are visiting us, just as CBS and Barack Obama were not directly suggesting that. His concern seems to be more about possible security threats that the alleged UFOs might pose. He also understandably wonders why the Pentagon and US military have stayed silent for years and are only now admitting these sightings. (I wonder that too. But it may just be that society has accepted so many other massive deceptions that it is now primed for one about "aliens".) Given that people have been seeing purported UFOs for decades, I don't think we need worry about any security threat. The threat is rather a spiritual one. Not only to the United States, but the whole world. The spiritual threat being the deception I have talked about earlier in this post.
UPDATE 3 (25/5/21): The mainstream media's new acceptance of UFOs continues to pick up steam with this Washington Post article that has been published on the Stuff NZ site. The Stuff version of the article includes a video with a panel discussion broadcast on FOX 26 in Houston. All the participants in that discussion say things like it's "arrogant" to assume we're the only life form in the universe and one even says that there is "no doubt" of there being life on other planets. Remember, this is Fox, the right-wing conservative network in the United States. However, The Washington Post certainly cannot be accused of being right-wing or conservative. It is so far-left nowadays that they really should rename it The Washington Pravda. Anyway, the article explains how the Pentagon first began to take UFOs/UAPs more seriously back in 2007, when then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid asked them to investigate all the sightings. He got support from Ted Stevens and Daniel Inouye, who "controlled funding for supersecret Pentagon operations". (Funnily enough, both those men have since had airports named after them: Ted Stevens International in Anchorage, Alaska, and Daniel K. Inouye International in Honolulu, Hawaii.) The article notes that now in 2021, "official Washington is swirling with chatter – among top senators, Pentagon insiders and former CIA directors – about UFOs. What was once a ticket to the political loony bin has leapt off Hollywood screens and out of science-fiction novels and into the national conversation". (Emphasis mine)
You know you're reading a left-wing publication when you see a phrase like "national conversation". But I digress. Notice how there has been a progression from science fiction movies and novels to serious consideration of UFOs at top government level in the US. As I said in the original post, these movies and books have been conditioning us for what we can see beginning to unfold now.
The move to declassify government material about UFOs/UAPs was made under Donald Trump's presidency. Yes, that Donald Trump, the Saviour of America if you believe the QAnon narrative. But not even "Q" picked that Trump is not only going to save America from the loony left, but the Martians too! (Or maybe they're one and the same? Either way, I'm sure Donald's got them covered.) And it was made in a rather strange way: "[A]s part of president Donald Trump's spending and pandemic relief package, the Senate Intelligence Committee, led by Democratic Senator Mark Warner, included a provision calling for the director of national intelligence to help produce an unclassified report on everything government agencies know about UFOs, including scores of unusual sightings reported by military pilots" (My emphasis) Quite what the COVID-19 pandemic has to do with UFOs, I'm not quite sure (perhaps it came from Mars rather than China?), but there you go.
The article goes on to quote a couple of former CIA directors who are now being open about their belief in UFOs and life on other planets, and refer to some of the recently declassified video footage. John Brennan, one of the former CIA directors cited, has this to say about the footage: "I
think some of the phenomena we're going to be seeing continues to be
unexplained and might, in fact, be some type of phenomenon that is the
result of something that we don't yet understand and that could involve
some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form
of life". (Emphasis mine) Aha, aha, yep-yep-yep-yep-yep-yep. It could be, some might say, but the seeds most assuredly continue to be planted.
Then we read about a time when flying saucers supposedly did a fly-past of Washington, D.C. in 1952 and also learn of some past Presidents' experiences with UFOs, including Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter (who both occupied the White House in the 1970s). Ford did not actually see a UFO, but wanted them investigated, while Carter and some friends did see one that allegedly gave off a white light which then turned blue, red and back to white again. Following that, we return to Harry Reid. Seeds were planted in his own mind when he attended a UFO conference in the mid-1990s. His decision to talk with Ted Stevens and Daniel Inouye was prompted by a call from a Defense Intelligence Agency official who wanted to visit a ranch in Utah where there were all kinds of weird happenings like cattle mysteriously vanishing and UFO sightings. (Incidentally, remember that strange phenomenon last year with the mysterious monoliths? The first of those was discovered in the Utah desert. I don't think anyone ever worked out how it got there or what it was for. The remaining ones were probably placed by pranksters.)
The article concludes with some quotes by Luis Elizondo, who it says "ran the Defence Department unit that emerged from the secret meeting held in the Capitol building". Elizondo acknowledges that it all sounds "wacky", but also insists that "it's real". Perhaps the most interesting thing Elizondo says is this: "We're seeing these things on a daily basis. The longer we keep a lid on it, the more problematic it becomes. It actually works against our interests to keep a cork on this". (My emphasis) So these apparitions, which is what they really are, now manifest themselves to people every day. Which means that the demonic forces behind these "UAPs" are getting into high gear. And it would seem they have convinced Mr Elizondo and others that it is now in people's "best interests" to starting foisting this new deceptive narrative on an already thoroughly-deceived world.
UPDATE 4 (27/5/21): Found this interesting little montage of UFO reports (most of them recent) in the mainstream media. What is particularly intriguing about this montage is how many of the reports shown were made on FOX channels (at least half, by my estimation). So once again, it is the right-wing conservative media leading the charge here. One narrative that is clearly being promoted is that we are not alone. If these people read and believed their Bibles, they would know that already. However, they reject God and the supernatural generally, but on some level, their consciences tell them that we are not truly alone here. Having turned their backs on God though, they have to come up with some other explanation, and so we get aliens in flying saucers, a theory to which Satan and his devils can lend support with a few supernatural signs and wonders in the form of apparent UFOs. The montage also features a rather elderly gentleman saying that there are dimensions beyond ours. Indeed there are, because there is an entire supernatural realm, as I talked about in the original post. The Bible makes it plain that supernatural beings like angels operate according to very different laws of motion to what we do in our present natural state. So what he says is not news. And evil spirits creating UFO apparitions can quite easily cause them to move in all sorts of strange ways and then vanish away whenever they feel like it.
There is no question that there has been a sea change in the way the media covers UFOs. This shift in their approach has been especially noticeable this month. There was a time when UFOs would be just something to bring up once in a while. They were often good fodder for a slow news day. There would usually be someone who wanted to talk about a "close encounter" or a local eccentric or two who would be interviewed about their beliefs. Such stories were normally treated as a bit of light-hearted fun. Of course, there were exceptions like the famous Roswell incident, but for the most part, UFO stories were just something to fill in some air time when not much else of interest was happening. Now however, the coverage has become absolutely serious. Now, all of a sudden, UFOs are no longer seen by the media as something to snigger at. We are now being conditioned to believe that they are the Real Deal. And June is almost here, so grab your tinfoil hats (better still, grab your Bible, because we are going to need the truth of the Word more than ever!) and get ready for even more intensive coverage as the Pentagon's "X-files" are declassified and the task force's report is made to the US Congress.