14 May, 2022

The Dark Spiritual Reality Behind Abortion

    If you have a couple of hours to spare, please watch this video by Nate Marino of Sound the Battle Cry Ministries. He does an excellent and very thorough job of documenting the history of child sacrifice and abortion since Biblical times, and its consistent association with paganism and witchcraft.

    I also highly recommend the following article by Chris Johnson:

Abortion: Paganism, Satanism, Sacrifices, and Witchcraft 

    What the video and article both clearly show is that abortion is not merely a political issue. It's not a simple question of "a woman's right to choose" (like anyone should have the right to murder their own baby!). Abortion is, in reality, a spiritual issue. To put it bluntly, abortion is the Devil's work. Satan and his army of devils are directly behind it. As John 8:44 makes clear, he has been a murderer from the beginning. He inspired Cain to murder Abel (see 1 John 3:12). That was the very first murder, and he has inspired every murder since then. So he is behind every murder of a child, including the murders that take place through abortion and child sacrifice:

    "Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood." (Psalm 106:37-38)

    "But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils." (1 Corinthians 10:20)

    God condemns such practices unequivocally:

    "For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the LORD: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it. And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart." (Jeremiah 7:30-31)

    "Because they have forsaken me, and have estranged this place, and have burned incense in it unto other gods, whom neither they nor their fathers have known, nor the kings of Judah, and have filled this place with the blood of innocents; They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind" (Jeremiah 19:4-5)

     Abortion is thus the Devil's baby, so to speak. When people forsake God, they adopt the Devil's ways and philosophies pretty quickly. And just as many ancient lands were filled with the blood of innocents, abortion clinics are being filled with that same innocent blood today. (Don't think God won't judge all this killing either - something that Nate Marino clearly shows is that God has ALWAYS judged the large-scale murder of infants sooner or later.) But it's nothing new. This abhorrent practice has been going on for millennia, and the entire kingdom of darkness is heavily invested in it. In his video, Nate Marino gives examples from Bible times, Carthage, the Aztec civilisation, the ancient Celts and Germanic peoples, Renaissance France and the 20th Century, clearly showing how this practice has carried on through the centuries. People have been sacrificing their children to pagan gods for thousands of years in order to gain good fortune, power and so on. It's no different today. Now obviously, not every woman who has an abortion is consciously performing a sacrifice to a pagan deity (although there are witches today, and Satanists too, who do this very thing, and some particularly evil women even deliberately get pregnant in order to have a sacrificial abortion later, as both Mr Marino and Mr Johnson clearly show). But they are still very often sacrificing their children on the altar of convenience (because for them, having a child is just "too inconvenient"). They are frequently sacrificing them to save money too (because hey, kids cost money, what with their pesky need for food, clothing and suchlike). In other words, even if they are merely trying to "fix a problem", they are still really performing a sacrifice, and their motives are essentially the same as people who quite intentionally sacrifice children and babies to idols - a selfish desire for material gain or some other worldly advantage. Moreover, whether they want to admit it or not, the same spirit is inspiring them to have their babies murdered in abortion clinics that inspired other people in times past to sacrifice their children to idols.

    What Nate Marino's video in particular brings out is that there is an entire demonic spiritual thread that runs through the practices of abortion and child sacrifice (which are more directly linked than you might think) right through time. Not only that, but other practices like prostitution, sodomy (aka homosexuality) and other forms of fornication are closely linked to abortion, and thus part of the same demonic thread. Fertility cults (which still exist today among some pagans and witches) encouraged both sexual promiscuity and child sacrifice (indeed, sex and human sacrifice represent the two sides of the "Goddess" beloved by many feminists - her sensual side is used to lure people into worshipping her, but then she eventually demands blood sacrifices to keep her happy).

    The recent leak of a document from the US Supreme Court suggesting that the wicked Roe vs. Wade ruling of 1973 might be overturned (thereby giving power back to the states to make their own abortion laws) has sparked great anger among the supporters and promoters of murdering unborn children (because in reality, that is what these "pro-choice" people are - what they really want is the "right" to slaughter babies in the womb). There have already been some quite violent protests (not that the mainstream media shows the violence - although they'd be all over it if any pro-life marchers decided to turn violent). If the ruling is indeed overturned, expect more violence to follow. This is not normal anger that we're seeing among American abortion proponents right now. It is, in fact, demonic rage. As I said before, this is not a mere political issue. It's a spiritual issue - but more than that, this is an issue particularly dear to the Devil's wicked heart. A lot of his power in this world comes from human sacrifice - and in particular, the sacrifice of unborn babies or infants. There are few things that Satan likes better than the shedding of innocent blood - and what blood is more innocent than that of a baby? So you can be sure that he will fight this one tooth and nail, which is why we are likely to see a lot of ugly scenes in the coming months, and also deception on a grand scale, especially from the mainstream media and feminist movement (because as John 8:44 also teaches us, the Devil is the father of lies).

    So what can Christians do as the battle over abortion heats up once again in America (and maybe in other parts of the world)? Well, it's important to remember this:

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)

    Our battle is not against the Left (though it is primarily the Left that promotes abortion), or the feminist movement, or the doctors who practise abortion, or any other flesh-and-blood people (an important point brought out in Chris Johnson's article). This is a fight directly against the forces of darkness. In fact, Christians battle these exact same forces every day over all kinds of things. For example, every time you face a temptation and overcome it with God's help, you're fighting a spiritual battle. When you preach the Gospel to someone, or even just give them a tract, that's a form of spiritual warfare too. However, the abortion fight is a particularly heavy-duty one, and it's important to use the right weapons:

    "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)" (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)

    Going on protest marches and waving picket signs is carnal warfare and will accomplish little. In spiritual warfare, you need to use spiritual weapons, and two in particular are key:

    "And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." (Mark 9:29)

    When Jesus says "this kind", He is referring to particularly powerful evil spirits, and some of the most wicked and powerful devils at Satan's disposal are involved in the modern abortion movement. However, they can still be defeated by Christians who humble themselves before God, submit to Him and pray against the wickedness of abortion. When you fast, or how much you do it, is up to you, but if you really want to see some progress made against abortion, you should do it at some stage. But this is also undoubtedly an issue for which you need to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Remember that we can do nothing without Christ (who has authority over all creatures, good and bad). Try to win this battle in your own strength, and you'll fail spectacularly. So remember:

    "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." (John 15:5)

    The other side of that:

    "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:13)

    A final thought: those who forsake God tend to favour, if not directly practise, abortion (and sooner or later, child sacrifice as part of pagan worship). However, those who fear God will always respect the sanctity of life, even if the government itself tells them to murder children. So if you call yourself a Christian and support abortion, you should do some serious examination of your heart and ask yourself whose side you're really on. I'll leave you with this account of two midwives who refused to participate in what some are now calling "after-birth abortion" (but in reality, it's just infanticide):

"And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah: And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive." (Exodus 1:15-17) And note Verse 20 as well: "Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty." Fear God and stand against the wickedness of abortion!

UPDATE (19/10/22): While I stand by everything I wrote above, something I neglected to say, but which I think is important to add, is that abortion does a great deal of harm (especially emotional and spiritual harm, but sometimes physical harm as well) to women. It is natural for those of us who take a pro-life position to focus on the innocent and defenseless baby in the womb. In doing so, however, we can sometimes forget about the mothers of aborted babies. It is also important to say that not every woman who has an abortion is a callous feminist lacking natural affection. Many women who have had abortions actually wanted to keep their babies, but were coerced or severely pressured by their parents, boyfriends or other adults. So they ended up having an abortion to placate the people who were putting so much pressure on them. (Such people will also face severe judgement from God someday.) Now, there was still sin involved in that these women gave in to the fear of man. But most of them probably weren't Christians at the time in any case. Other women weren't necessarily pressured, but were still manipulated in some way. This is not to negate those women's responsibility for their sin, because it was still ultimately their decision, but nevertheless I want to make it clear that a lot of abortions happen in these sorts of circumstances. To pressure or coerce a woman into having an abortion is a very wicked thing to do. There is always an evil motive - covering up sin, laziness, fear of what others think and so on. In short, the people who pressure a woman into having an abortion are not concerned for that woman (who may be a fairly young girl in some cases), but themselves. They are acting out of complete self-interest.

    Recently I have been watching a series of videos on YouTube called "I Regret My Abortion", in which various women share their experience of abortion, the evil consequences it had in their lives and the deep regret they have over it now. As far as I can tell, they are all Christians (or profess to be). So they have come to repentance over their past sin. But even before they became Christians, many of them felt a very deep grief over what they had done. Abortion affected their lives far more than they ever thought that it would. All of them suffered considerable emotional pain. Many of them were pressured into it, although there were some who had wanted to "solve a problem" at the time. All in all, these videos are quite eye-opening. Some of them are extremely moving. But they very clearly show the kind of evil fruit that abortion produces in the lives of the women who have it. I think that most women, unless their conscience is completely seared and they are past feeling, would have similar post-abortion outcomes to the women in these videos. So not only is abortion responsible for the senseless slaughter of innocent babies in the womb, but it is causing untold damage to most women who have it. And this really shows what a lie the feminists are telling when they claim that it's "liberating"!

    A final point I would like to address in this little update is that sometimes men who get involved with a woman who had an abortion at an earlier stage of her life will have to face this at some point in the relationship. If you're a Christian man who has strong pro-life views, and a woman you care deeply about reveals that she once had an abortion, how do you handle that? Well, the most important thing to look for when this revelation is made is REPENTANCE. Is the woman repentant over her past sin? Does she now have godly sorrow for it? If she does indeed have that, and she has confessed her sin to God, then He has forgiven her. And if God has forgiven her, then you had better not hold it against her. If you condemn her and cast her aside when God has forgiven her sin, then you are acting wickedly. You are pridefully saying that you know better than God, and that you have more authority to judge the matter than He does. God forgives us when we repent, and we should also forgive others when they repent. So the right approach to take to a woman who is repentant over her abortion is to have COMPASSION. That doesn't mean that you have to condone her sin. God forgives us, but He never condones any of our sins. It's OK to acknowledge the plain truth that the abortion was a sin. The fact is though, she will probably still be facing struggles (like emotional pain), so you need to treat her gently and help her through that. Show her the same grace and mercy that God showed you when you repented. I might add that you should also do this with any other serious past sin that a woman you love might confess to you.

    On the other hand, if the woman is NOT repentant, and is making excuses trying to justify her sin, it may just be time to end the relationship. At the very least, some rebuke and reproof would be warranted. That doesn't mean you have to behave like a jerk, though. Don't get all puffed up and self-righteous. You should still treat her with as much charity as possible under the circumstances. But if you are pro-life and she is unapologetically pro-abortion, with no regret or remorse over her own past sin, she is very probably not saved and you are facing an unequal yoke. While it would of course be painful to break up in such a situation, especially if you have been seeing her for a while, you will save yourself (and her) much worse pain later on. Sometimes, the pain of such a breakup might lead the lady to repentance as God honours your obedience in avoiding that unequal yoke. It's not guaranteed, but it can happen. (Should you be married to the woman in question though, I certainly don't recommend that you divorce her! You should still make your position clear, and if she decides to divorce you because of it, well OK. That's her call. But otherwise, you should battle through as best you can.) In conclusion, never condone the sin of abortion, but forgive it if there is clear repentance. To a greater or lesser degree, women may suffer the consequences of an abortion all their lives, and you don't need to add any more to their already deep pain.

Three Godly Men Who Resisted a Government Mandate (Yet Another Old Facebook Post)

    I came across this old Facebook post from just a year ago (first published on 18 October 2021), so thought I would put it here. In that ...